Monday, January 13, 2020

Gun Sales Up, Crime down

Anti-gun fool hate it. They NEED crime to stay up as gun sales increase. They NEED more and better mass shootings. That’s what they use to promote their efforts to eliminate self defense for the law-abiding. I’ve come to believe that the anti-gun fools WANT high numbers of gun deaths. Being anti-gun is their “bread and butter.” It’s how they make their lucrative livings. The boss at MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) claims she doesn’t get a salary for her efforts. Do you believe that? How does she then pay the bills? Maybe she doesn’t get a salary “on the books,” but she has to be getting steady money from somewhere. But the figures show that what it takes to reduce crime is for more law-abiding people to be able ton have their own guns with which to defend themselves. But they won’t hear of it. They want to keep up their useless efforts to ban guns, period. They “know better than we do.” Never mind their methods don’t work, and ours do. You don’t make yourself defenseless in order to defend yourself. We know that. They don’t. (PanAm Post)

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