Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Stupid Or What?

I just can’t understand politicians who call for gun confiscation, even though they have to know that is in violation of the Constitution, to which ALL LAWS must conform, or they are not laws, at all. Yet they continue to promise to do it. In the State of Virginia, many sheriffs have promised not to enforce their new anti-gun laws because they ARE unconstitutional. So now the governor is “looking at” using the National Guard to enforce “the laws.” He says, they are LAW, so will be enforced. But they aren’t. They do not conform to the Constitution, so are not laws, at all, even though damned fool politicians think they are, and try to enforce them. Then there is “Posse Comitatus.” The prohibition on using the military as police. They will argue that the National Guard is not the army, so it can be used. But that’s only a debatable question. A soldier is a soldier, and is NOT a cop. He/she is not trained as a cop, and so doesn’t understand the subtleties of BEING a cop, vs. being a soldier. Soldiers are used to “breaking things and hurting people” to gain their objectives. But that is not how you “police.” All this arises from the mistake the founders made in not providing punishment for lawmakers who made laws that violated the Constitution. So they figure, “Why not? They can’t punish me for making that law, they can only throw it out.” AFTER it has been enforced for way, too long, and the damage done. That was a major flaw in the writing of the Constitution, and ought to be “fixed.” (Just common sense)

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