Monday, October 28, 2019

Why the Hell?

Anti-gun laws don’t work. that’s a fact, not just my opinion. So why pass them? They contribute to the gun violence they pretend to stop by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets for the miscreants who could care less about obeying their laws and get their guns illegally; by buying them in a back alley somewhere, or just stealing them. So what good are all those anti-gun laws? Not a bit. At least, not to do what they tell you they’re for. I read somewhere this: “If your government tells you don’t need a gun, you need a gun.” Truer words were never spoken. A corollary to that is this: “If your government takes away your guns, can your freedom be far behind?” The one thing that is SURE to reduce gun crime is dismissed without thought. That is to allow the law-abiding to be armed in self defense. That’s in spite of the fact that the Founders made “bearing arms” a constitutional right. Allowing the law-abiding to be armed can reduce gun crime, one criminal at a time, as they are killed when trying to victimize the law-abiding. The fatal flaw in anti-gun laws is that they can only apply to people who OBEY laws, not criminals, who do NOT. We need to give the law-abiding “parity” with criminals, who will always have guns, no matter how many laws are made against it. Anti-gun fools never even ask if the gun used in a crime was obtained legally. They don’t care. They just want to “get rid of guns,” something they can never do. (Just common sense)

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