Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Democrats Ignore the Constitution

It sickens me to hear Dumocrat candidates threaten (promise) to “come for your guns” if they get elected to the presidency. As if they had the right to do so, under the law, which is based on the Constitution. They talk as if becoming president will give them dictatorial powers, so they can ignore the Constitution and do what they want, in spite of the fact that the Constitution, to which ALL LAWS must conform, PROHIBITS them from “coming for your guns” if they are legally owned. Dumocrats have always acted as if they didn’t have to follow the Constitution, when they MUST. Which is just one more reason NEVER to vote for a Dumocrat because they WILL do things that are prohibited by the Constitution, and enforce those unconstitutional laws until the Supreme Court “jerks them up short.” Of course, by then, the damage will have been done. People will have lost their legally-obtained guns and will be DEFENSELESS against the criminals with their illegally-obtained guns. Some will have been imprisoned, and lost property and status. All because they may have “violated” an ILLEGAL LAW. (Daily Caller)

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