Monday, October 21, 2019

Why Do They Do It?

I’ve been asking myself for a long time, why do the anti-gun fools keep making those useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that only make it easier for the lawless to victimize the law-abiding? They have to be aware of the fact that none of their laws or regulations have ever stopped a single miscreant from using their ILLEGAL guns to victimize the law-abiding by disarming them? You can make all the laws you want to stop the law-abiding from getting guns, but you’ll never stop the lawless from getting their guns illegally. Wherever the anti-gun laws are the tightest, the black market in illegal guns gets stronger. Criminals never have any trouble getting the guns they use to victimize the law-abiding. The answer, I’m afraid, is much more sinister. It’s about POWER.

The power to tell us what we can, and cannot do, while taking away from us the means to oppose them when they come after our property and our rights. That contretemps out west a few years ago where there was a standoff between a rancher and the government over “grazing rights,” where they isolated one of his men while the FBI chased him down and murdered him is a good example. These people had guns, and the government couldn’t just “go in and walk on them” like they wanted. They want less of that. Notice that almost ALL politicians who want to take our guns are Dumocrats. That’s because the Dumocrat Party is the party of would-be dictators. Don’t believe it? Just listen to what their myriad presidential candidates are promising IF they get elected. (Just common sense)

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