Thursday, October 10, 2019

Deluded Anti-Gun Researcher

He seems to think that background checks could have prevented Sandy Hook massacre. He is deluded if he thinks that. The shooter first murdered his own mother, then STOLE a gun or guns from her. How a background check would have had any effect on that is a mystery. At no time did this killer EVER have an opportunity to stand for a background check. He wanted to commit a dastardly crime, so he STOLE the gun or guns used. This “researcher” also thinks better mental health research will not have much of an effect on “gun crime.” In that, he’s wrong, too. Better mental health WOULD help reduce such crimes by better being about to recognize murderous Intent in a person and “take him out of the game” before he can carry them out. Background checks, like all other anti-gun fool laws, do NOTHING to stop, or even reduce “gun crime.” That’s the problem. Targeting the gun is futile. It only stops the law-abiding from getting guns easily, which is useless because a potential mass killer will get his guns by buying them ILLEGALLY or STEALING them. (Public News Service)

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