Thursday, October 24, 2019

What SHOULD We Do?

In New York, one stupid anti-gun fool is “going on a hunger strike” to get us to “do something” about gun control. She still eats one meal a day, and drinks “energy drinks.” She says she’s doing it so we will pass “common sense gun laws.” But nowhere does she say what ARE “common sense gun laws.” that’s because she doesn’t know. She has no idea what ARE “common sense gun laws” and neither do we. If she was actually going on a hunger strike, and not just telling people she is, she would die of starvation before anybody else came up with a “common sense gun law” that would actually DO something about “gun crime.” Considering the way she is doing it, the only people who actually believe she is actually on a “hunger strike” are other liberal fools. This so-called “hunger strike” is pointing up the absolute stupidity of those who think making laws against guns for he law-aiding to follow. There ARE no such laws. She can’t recommend any because of that. But she wants SOMEBODY to come up with some with her “grandstanding scheme.” It isn’t going to happen, so she might as well have a good meal and just shut up. (The Guardian)

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