Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wrong Interpretation

Willie James Jones made the wrong interpretation of the “self-defense” rule in shooting someone who is illegally on your property. He, like many others, think that if a stranger is in my property, I have the right to shoot him.” But that’s WRONG. Just like the guy who set a trap for people he expected to break into his home and was convicted of premeditated murder, the key is, that perp was no longer a threat to him,” so if he killed him, it was MURDER. In Willie’s case, the kid was running away. Fortunately (for Willie), he didn’t KILL the kid. In the other case, he did. It’s a simple difference: just coming onto your property is NOT a DEATH SENTENCE case. It is mere trespassing, which does not rate death. In both cases, the perp was no longer threatening the shooter, which is the key.  (Bearing Arms)

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