Thursday, May 29, 2014

It's Too late, Ben

Ben Carson says “The Second Amendment is needed in case the government goes off the rails.” Too late, Ben; the unthinkable has already happened. Obama has violated the Constitution so many times the press goes, “ho hum” whenever a new instance rises. He has TRASHED the Constitution, and nobody has done anything about it. A new American Revolution is near, and he fully realizes it; that’s why he’s working so hard to eliminate our right to own and use guns in self-defense. He KNOWS the time is coming SOON when his people will be going personally to your door to remonstrate with you over what you say and do in opposition to his “policies” and he doesn’t want them to meet a gun when they do. This is the most lawless president, ever. I hope some day, somewhere, somebody who can male a difference “grows a pair” and puts a stop to him and his policies. (Cowboy Byte)

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