Friday, May 23, 2014

What's WITH These People?

Why do we have so many people in this government who hate guns? Is it because they intend to take more power from us and don’t want (as the Japanese reasoned when not attacking the mainland) that there would be a gun behind every blade of grass? I don’t know. But all the anti-gun actions lately by the feds have failed, leading people to think the war on guns is over. It’s not. Don’t ever think so. These liberal fools NEVER give up. As soon as one effort is defeated, they begin another. They have a “Plan B” and a “Plan C” and more plans right along. If they run out of letters, they start on numbers. But their efforts to disarm this nation are unending. Hillary Clinton is one of the leaders in that effort and, if she is elected president (Heaven forbid!) it’s only going to get worse. Why we keep electing these fools is beyond me. Their hatred of what we wish is well-known, but we (not me) keep electing them, and then complain about what they do. Damn! (Liberty Alliance)

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