Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Illegal Guns Kill, Too

The anti-gun fools will try and use the case (they already are) of the rich Hollywood kid who killed a bunch of people because he couldn’t seem to get laid in their campaign to disarm Americans, but it won’t work. Whether or not this shooter had a license for his gun, he didn’t have a license for what he did with it. Yes, the very existence of a gun is something they can fight, but they’ll never success in getting rid of ALL guns from the planet. It’s just not possible, and criminals and crazies will ALWAYS be able to get their guns. The only way to solve this problem is to make the punishment so severe that potential mass shooters think twice before shooting. And to make it so he cannot know in advance if there will be anybody there who can “put a couple in him” and stop his shooting. (Daily Caller)

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