Sunday, May 25, 2014

"Duty to Protect"

Many municipalities are making laws DEMANDING their cops “protect” citizens when they are in an area where they are not allowed to carry the guns they are legally allowed to carry. Unfortunately, that’s an impossible demand, since it has been shown conclusively they can’t do it. They can’t be everywhere at once, and in the seconds or minutes it takes them to respond, the criminal can commit his violent crime and be gone. What moves these anti-gun fools, I can’t fathom. We tell them over and over that the ONLY WAY is to allow us to protect ourselves, because they just can’t get there fast enough. But they don’t listen. They think that, in their “infinite wisdom,” the way to go is to disarm honest people while there isn’t much they can do to stop criminals from getting their guns. So I guess the only answer is for us to have illegal guns, too. I’d rather go to jail for carrying an illegal gun that go to the morgue for obeying the law. (Mississippi Gun News)

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