Monday, December 18, 2017

More Fake News

A Wellseley Colliege "study" suggests that higher gun sales in the wake of the Sandy Hook killings has caused an INCREASE in accidental gun deaths. One little problem: it's a LIE. They ignore the fact that accidental gun deaths have DECREASED since then. It's the typical way the anti-gun fools twist the truth to support their "flights of fancy" about gun control. They support it by LIMITING their "study" to right after Sandy Hook, when anti-gun activity was at its highest, and ignoring the time later when accidental gun deaths went DOWN. You just can't rely on their "studies," because they LIE to support their desire to disarm all Americans and make them DEFENSELESS against the ILLEGAL guns out there in the hands of criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists. They're too stupid to know that the way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself, so they make as many laws as they can to do just that. In their stupidity, they get people KILLED. You can't make a dent in their thick skulls to convince them of this. They just make excuses and go right on making their stupid, USELESS laws that limit the rights of the law-abiding, while ignoring all the ILLEGAL guns there are out there. (Breitbart)

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