Friday, December 29, 2017

Doesn't Make the Media

There's a reason why you may think the anti-gun fools are right, that defensive use of LEGALLY-carried guns doesn't happen. That's because they just don't cover it when it happens. They just ignore it because to cover it goes against their preferred narrative. In the first story in the linked article, that store clerk probably got fired because he brought his legal gun to work with him, and used it on that robber (the same might be true of the phone store clerk). But what happened to the other clerk in that story who did NOT have a gun (he was murdered after giving up the money) is instructive. Better to lose your job than to lose your life. The liberal media seems to be solidly anti-gun, They ought to be smarter than that, but they aren't. The whole point of this is to point out the fact that armed law-abiding people are NOT a danger to society. Quite the contrary. They often rid us of people who DON'T obey gun laws and try to take what doesn't belong to them. Additionally, there are many cases where armed citizens HELP the cops, when sometimes they are overpowered by the criminals they try to arrest. (AmmoLand)

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