Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"Throw Soup Cans At 'Em"

In another example of ignorant thinking, some liberal gun-grabbers are saying students should all bring full soup cans to school with them in case a “crazy shooter” comes to their school to kill a few of them. Of course, those fools who recommend this completely ignore the fact that throwing a soup can at such an attacker would guarantee that the throwers would be the first kids he shoots. What they don't understand its that “you don't bring a soup can to a gun fight.” The guy with the gun can kill you before you can get the can in action. I'd just like to know whose idea this is, so I'll know who the stupidest person around is. I'd like to send him/her into a gun fight armed with only a soup can, hoping his aim is true. You name the stupid ideas, and you can count on the gun-grabbers to put them out there. They're THAT stupid. (Tea Party Bulletin)

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