Thursday, June 11, 2015

Banning Plastic guns

Liberals have now shown their abject fright concerning guns, or anything that even LOOKS like a gun. They're not worried about people getting shot, they just want to get rid of anything that SMACKS of a gun. It's an unholy fear of an inanimate object. They say, “Plastic guns are worse than real guns because they can be hidden easier.” Thus proving they're afraid of anything that LOOKS like a gun. If it won't shoot a bullet, how CAN it be worse than a real gun? The logic of their thinking escapes me. As it would ANY intelligent person. If they're allowed to continue, one day they'll make laws against even THINKING about a gun. They'll ban even speaking the WORD gun. Then they'll ban a child's index finger because it can be played with as it if were a gun. These people are INSANE. How can we let them continue to make laws that affect human beings? We need to make being against guns grounds for refusal to allow them anywhere NEAR a lawmaking body. Ever. (Last Resistance)

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