Monday, June 22, 2015

Should She Be Arrested?

I never heard of a “reality star” named “ 'Lil' Bit” before, but I'm way older than 20 and don't watch those “reality” shows. But apparently she has made the gun-grabbers mad with a picture she took of her husband, asleep next to her newborn baby. What got to them was the gun, laying on the bedside table, right out in the open, where that child, if it had even been able to get out of its child-holder been able to muster the strength to pull the trigger, might be a problem. This is an example of the absolute INSANITY with which gun-grabbers approach “gun control.” I agree that the gun might be better protected, but with a NEWBORN? In North Carolina, where she apparently lives, it's a misdemeanor offense to leave a gun in the open where a child could easily get to it. But not this child. Not for a while, yet. She probably couldn't even LIFT the gun, much less pull the trigger, at her age. Yes, she could be a lot more safety conscious with her gun, but I don't think it's a jailing offense in this case. Of course, those gun-hating fools would violently disagree. They're not too bright, and are focused on that gun, in all cases. They wish that gun wasn't there, at all. (The Right to Bear)

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