Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Gun Or No Gun

I've always said it doesn't matter if a gun is involved or not, if somebody wants to kill, they'll do it. Gun-grabbers disagree. they think whenever somebody wants to kill somebody, they always go get a gun. WRONG! People who have LEGAL guns don't kill over trifles, as a rule. People who DO kill over trifles will do it with a rock, if necessary. In this case. The weapon was a knife, many of which are “easily available” in a restaurant, such as where this occurred. These two got into an argument over how much SPICE to use in a gumbo dish, fergawdsakes, and it ended when one man stabbed the other to death. Should we BAN KNIVES to keep such fools from killing each other? I don't think so. Banning knives would be as stupid as is banning guns. People will kill each other with STICKS if they're bent on murder. The presence of a gun makes no difference. (ABC News)

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