Wednesday, June 24, 2015

They're Dead?

Eric Ward thinks conservative think tanks are dead because society no longer values facts or reason. I beg to differ. As long as there is ONE person left who DOES value facts and reason, conservative think tanks will never die. I am one of those, and when I go (soon, as old as I am--that's a fact, which I must face) there will be others. I hope they come from among those I have mentored. He says, “What solace is there to know we're right while society collapses around us?” The answer is, none. It is very frustrating to “throw out nuggets of knowledge” and have them be ignored by a majority of people. That's what I do, every day. But I will keep doing it until I can no longer do it. For the benefit of the FEW who can benefit from it. I feel sorry for those who can't, and their numbers are legion. It is a fact that ignorant people have no idea they're ignorant, and mostly think they're the smartest people around. That applies to a majority of politicians in Washington and elsewhere. The evidence is the belief many of them hold that socialism is something to be desired, and that all you have to do is make a law against carrying and using guns in crime and criminals will obey it. (American Thinker)

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