Saturday, May 30, 2015

Oklahpoma "Got Religion"

They finally figured out that “gun-free zones” were a “target-rich environment” for bad guys, which is why would-be mass shooters choose schools, for the most part, to do their mass killings. Which is why the Oklahoma governor signed a bill into law allowing teachers and other staff who had “carry permits” to bring their guns to school. So now a potential shooter will never be sure if they come in to shoot up a school, that there won't be a dozen guns already there, aimed at him. You may wonder why I say “HIM.” That's probably because there has never been a female mass school shooter (so far). So you can count on the fact that there will not be a successful school shooting in Oklahoma in the future. The guy who tries it will quickly resemble Swiss cheese. Count on it. (Right To Bear)

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