Friday, May 29, 2015

Felon With Gun

According to this story, cops arrested a felon with a gun. How did this HAPPEN? I thought, according to gun grabbers, everybody OBEYED their gun laws! If so, a felon could never be caught with a gun in his possession! But this one was. So how did it happen? Were the gun grabbers WRONG? I wonder if they actually BELIEVE the crap they feed us in order to get their USELESS laws passed? You know, those laws that create a “target-rich environment” for criminals with their illegally-owned, illegally-bought, or STOLEN guns? All gun registration does is tell the politicians who has a LEGAL gun so they can come and “confiscate” (steal) them when they're ready to finish disarming the populace. They do NOTHING to slow gun violence because criminals don't OBEY laws. (JC Online)

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