Friday, May 15, 2015

"End Gun-Free Zones!"

That's what Ohio Rep. Ron Maag (R-of course) wants to do, at least, in Ohio. He is one of a very few enlightened politicians who realize “gun-free zones” kill people by giving would-be shooters the ASSURANCE that there will most likely be NO GUNS there to oppose him when he comes in the shoot the place up. Would-be shooters SEEK OUT “gun-free zones” in which to do their dirty work, and some have actually ADMITTED it, Maag realizes what other politicians don't: that “gun-free zones” provide a “target rich area” in which shooters can kill at will while waiting for a “good guy with a gun” to show up, notably a cop. If more politicians would “wake up to reality,” it would significantly reduce gun violence. But most politicians aren't smart enough to know that. So they go right on making their USELESS “gun laws” while criminals and crazies take advantage of them to advance their own goals. (Guns 'n' Freedom)

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