Friday, May 22, 2015

Can't Undersatand Reality

Liberals talk a lot about our “heavily-armed culture,” as if it's something REAL. What they ignore is that the shootings they talk about are those done by CRIMINALS, who don't OBEY laws. The theater shooting, for instance, in Aurora, Colorado, was done by a guy who HAD the right to own guns, but should not have had it. But most legal gun owners do not go out and shoot up theaters full of people. Even most of ILLEGAL gun owners don't. It's only those “looney-tunes like the Aurora theater shooter who do, and they would get their guns anyway, anyway they can. Most mass-shooters don't HAVE gun permits and steal their guns or have people buy them for them. There's even a name for that: “straw purchase.” Or they BUY them ILLEGALLY in a back alley somewhere. Meanwhile, honest, reliable, law-abiding people can't get guns to use in defending themselves because of all the stupid laws that keep only honest people unarmed. It's not our “heavily armed society” that's at fault, it's the gun-grabbers who keep good people unarmed who do the damage. (Dallas News)

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