Sunday, August 31, 2014

Too Many SWAT Raids

Are we now in a “police state?” Yes, according to the author of a new book, called, “Police State, USA” by Cheryl Chumley. One of the examples she uses is the one where Jose Guerena, a 26-year-old Iraq veteran, thinking the SWAT raid on his home was a gang home invasion, came down with a gun in his hand (his right, in his own home) and was shot sixty times by police who were, by the way, at the wrong address. The cops paid his family $3.2 million, but he’s still dead. They can’t change that. One of the factors she cites is SWAT teams being used to serve warrants where there are no lives at stake and no violence expected. I don’t hate all cops, but I DO think many cops are too “trigger happy,” which is proven all the time by stories about cops shooting unarmed people they THINK are carrying a gun and are threatening them with it (That eliminates cops who shoot a giant thug who is trying to kill them). Then there are the numerous stories about cops shooting dogs that were doing nothing but “looking for a little love.” I think cops should be better trained in the use of their guns, and that SWAT Teams should be used ONLY in cases where lives are at stake and their expertise is needed. By the way: I get no “kickback” from sales of this book. I just think it’s a good book to read. (Gun Owners of America)

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