Saturday, August 9, 2014

How NOT to Promote Gun rights

This guy opened his door in the middle of the night, and without even knowing what was going on and who was knocking, shot and killed this unarmed tiny woman with a shotgun, claiming self-defense. She was not armed—he was. How he figured a self-defense argument would work is beyond me. Self-defense requires a person be RESPONSIBLE, and this guy’s actions were NOT responsible. Think about this little girl, just in an accident, hurt and frightened. She knocks on a door and is shot to rags by a man with a shotgun, Yes, she might have been on something, but does that merit a death sentence? People like this should NEVER be allowed ot have guns, and I’d bet he showed signs of this irresponsibility before. It’s too obvious not to have been evidenced before he murdered this defenseless woman, who was just looking for help, without even asking her what she wanted. This gives the anti-gun fools fodder for their lies. And it’s tragic. (Liberty Alliance)

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