Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Giving Enemies Ammo

Some pro-gun promoters go WAY too far and thus give ammunition to our detractors. One such is Kory Watkins, “Open Carry Tarrant County’s” group coordinator, who carries an automatic weapon into a grocery store while shopping. That’s a “bit much.” It gives the anti-gun fools something to say, and DO they! The picture here linked appeared in The Daily Beast, and the Huffington Post, neither big gun promoters. Such displays, while legal, do a disservice to people who wish to simply, and quietly carry their guns for self defense. If somebody accosted Mr. Watkins, would he “open up” on “full auto,” spraying bullets everywhere? I don’t know. But he makes it easy for the anti-gun fools to predict such a thing, and that hurts efforts to retain our right to self-defense, and to carry the means to that, a gun. Responsible people who carry guns for their own protection don’t usually “go wild” at the least provocation, but the anti-gun fools want us to think they do. Mr. Watkins has no idea how ridiculous he looks carrying such a gun on a grocery-buying visit. Or he does, and he relishes the attention. (Dallas News)

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