Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Afraid of Guns?

I never thought about anybody being afraid of guns (in their own hands) until I became active in the self-defense writing field. I was never afraid of guns, even when I was a kid who found my dad’s octagon-barrel .32 cal. six-shooter in a closet. No, I never did load it up and play with it or accidentally shoot and kill anybody with it, because Dad taught me to respect it and always treat it as loaded, even when I KNEW it was not.. The thought never occurred to me to play with it. Sometime later I fired expert with that old “workhorse” gun, the .45 caliber automatic used by the military in the fifties. It didn’t frighten me. That never occurred to me, either. The idea of people being afraid of an inanimate object never occurred to me. But some people ARE afraid of guns, mostly because of the “bad rap” guns are being given in the liberal media (which they don’t deserve). Guns are simply a tool to use in self-defense—and that is their principle function. What frightened me was that a LEGISLATOR in Washington State not only ADMITTED being “shocked and sickened” by guns, she was proud of it. And this is a person who MAKES LAWS against guns declaring she was “shocked and sickened” by them. Which means she MUST be biased AGAINST guns—while making laws about them. Some people only look at guns as a sport: shooting or hunting. But those activities are only a secondary use of guns—not the primary one. I really get tired of hearing those people insist on gun rights for SPORTS or hunting, rather than the most important use of them, self-defense. To do so belittles their use for self-defense. (Just common sense)

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