Monday, August 11, 2014

Background Checks Useless

The anti-gun fools still think Brady’s “Instant Background Checks” helped keep crazies like John Hinkley from getting the guns they used in their mass shootings. In the first place, background checks do NOTHING to keep most crazies and criminals from getting their guns. All they do is help CATCH them if they survive their own shooting spree. After they’re killed and maimed many people. But they don’t even do that. Facts show that, except in a few cases, the people who committed the mass shootings bought their guns at retail from a gun store, and PASSED background checks. But they don’t listen to reason. Logic means NOTHING to an anti-gun fool, to whom the “anti-gun culture” is a religion. Like most people when you question their religion, they put their blinders firmly on and are not amenable to reason. They just want to “get rid of guns,” except in the hands of the cops and government agents, They don’t care how, or how many unarmed victims get killed because of their short-sighted laws. As to Hinkley being charged with murder, it’s not likely. He has already been convicted of a crime on this evidence and cannot be tried again. (The Examiner)

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