Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blocking the Feds

The federal government has become so overbearing on gun laws that at least eight states have made laws to make enforcing their laws illegal. Which may even lead to the ARREST of “federal agents” who attempt to enforce them. A majority of states have made laws making “concealed carry” much easier than the feds like. This tells me that the feds are way “out of touch” with the wishes of most Americans and they are going to continue to LOSE when they attempt to make laws to further inhibit our right to keep and bear arms for self defense. They love it when pro-gun people talk about “guns for hunting” because that is NOT the important thing. It diverts our attention from the important thing, which is SELF-DEFENSE, not hunting. Hunting today is a SPORT, not a necessity for having something on the table at dinnertime. But self-defense, even against members of our own government, is MOST important. It is the whole reason they put the First Amendment in the Constitution, in the first place. They said so, in many places, many times. (News 21)

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