Thursday, November 12, 2020

What FOOLS They Be!

I don’t know what drives anti-gun fools, but their every move so far has been stupid. Now Elizabeth Warren wants to eliminate all armed school resource officers, making school students ABSOLUTELY defenseless against any fool who comes in wanting to kill a few children. She must really hate children to want them to be killed so easily. The very idea that the way to self defense is to make yourself defenseless is pure stupidity! But they continue It, and call it “common sense.” Being so stupid should cause them to be BARRED from running for ANY office where they can actually personify their stupidity by making laws that get law-abiding people killed. Dumocrats vie with each other to come up with the stupidest laws, and anti-gun laws are only part of their stupidities. Warren wants “Medicare for All,” which is a pipe-dream. The cost ($52 TRILLION) over just ten years will absolutely BANKRUPT this country. She thinks she can finance it by taxing the rich. She really thinks the rich will not take steps to avoid any tax she levies, even if they actually made enough to pay this stupid theft of their earnings. Where we get such stupid politicians is a mystery to me, but we get them in large quantities, mostly in the Dumocrat Party. There are some in the GOP, but not nearly as many. (Truth About Guns)

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