Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Insufferably Stupid Advice

Joe Biden pretends to be an expert on how to stop police killings, and gives this advice: “Just shoot ‘em in the leg.” Which is the advice of an imbecile because shooting them in the leg does not remove the threat, as to officers in Rialto, California found out recently. They were in a gas station when a man ran up and attacked them with a knife. One cop shot him in the leg after twice “tasing” him didn’t put him down. But he kept coming with his so-called “non-lethal knife,” stabbing one cop in the stomach before being shot to death by the other cop. The injured cop is now in the hospital fighting for his life. One would hope if Biden actually does win the presidency, his decisions won’t be this abysmally stupid. But that’s a forlorn hope, since Biden has a hard time putting two thoughts together. It’s a known fact that he wants to put known anti-gun fool Pete Buttgiggle in charge of his efforts to circumvent the Second Amendment and “come for your guns.” I hope we continue to control the senate so we can put a stop to that. Remember, I advised never to elect an anti-gun fool to any political office, yet we (not me) have elected one to the highest office in the land, if he is, finally, confirmed. I think he will be, The “fix” is definitely in.  (Truth About Guns)

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