Monday, November 16, 2020

Stupid Politicians

I can’t believe there are so many stupid politicians out there making anti-gun laws that “infringe” on our Second Amendment rights, KNOWING they are illegal and will eventually be reversed, and their laws thrown out. And anti-gun laws are not the only kinds of laws that are introduced, and passed that are in direct violation of the Constitution. Many laws are passed that are “ex post facto” laws, another kind prohibited by the Constitution. That’s a Latin description of “retroactive” laws. Under those, you can do legally one day something that is declared illegal the next day and made retroactive so that what you did legally the day you did it is DECLARED illegal retroactively the next day. Think about it: what if you had to shoot somebody legally on Wednesday and that is made illegal on Thursday retroactively and you “go away” for ten years for doing something that was legal when you did it. Politicians will sometimes stretch the law in painful directions to get their way, and anti-gun fool legislators are the worst at doing that. (Just common sense)

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