Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Gun Control Fantasies

All anti-gun laws are based on one or more gun control fantasies. End result: eliminating guns. That’s the worst fantasy because if you get rid of all LEGAL guns, you’re left with the millions of ILLEGAL guns, already out there in the hands of criminals, crazies, and now Islamic terrorists, who will then overrun us with their crimes, unslowed or stopped by a world where only the bad guys have guns. Then there’s the idea that background checks and making a list of all gun owners will eliminate “gun crime.” It will NOT. Those with criminal intent do not usually buy their guns legally. They either buy them illegally from other criminals, or just steal them. All those lists do is allow the cops to trace a gun used in a crime IF that gun was gotten legally, and the buyer standing for a background check. Again, criminals don’t do that. So what good are they? Then we have the fantasy that says if guns were no more, there would be no suicides. That’s really stupid. If a person is tortured enough to want to kill him/herself, the lack of a gun is not going to stop them. There are way too many ways to commit suicide that do not involve a gun. I could go on and on, but I won’t. The anti-gun fools just ignore me, anyway, and keep making their stupid laws that only make things worse. (Just common sense)

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