Thursday, November 5, 2020

"Shall Not Be Infringed"

What is there about that the anti-gun fools do not understand? Their entire purpose is to get the government to violate a major constitutional edict. The Constitution is the very BASE upon which ALL our laws rests. Every law made—federal, state, or lower MUST conform to the constitution or it is not a law, at all. The Second Amendment to the Constitution is very simple. It says, “[T[he right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Period. You can ignore that reference to an “organized militia” because the Founders figured an organized militia to be ALL THE PEOPLE and they wanted them to bring their guns with them. So each and every anti-gun law that limits or bans gun purchase, ownership, and use is UNLAWFUL. Unlawful. Get it? It is against the law, whether they like it, or not. Most of their laws do the exact opposite of what they are touted to do. They disarm the law-abiding and leave the field open to the carriers of ILLEGAL guns so they can victimize the law-abiding, at will. They actually INCREASE violent crime, rather than reduce it. Those promoting anti-gun laws are either stupid or they have an ulterior motive. (Just common sense)

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