Monday, November 2, 2020

"Shall Not Be Infringed"

What part of that does Joe Biden not understand? He thinks ammunition is not covered by the Second Amendment, but he’s wrong. A gun is useless piece of metal without ammunition, so to ban ammunition sales, in any way, IS an “infringement” on our Second Amendment right NOT to have our ownership and use of guns “infringed.” He is also proposing the ban of sales of guns and gun parts on the Internet, which is also an infringement. But then Joe isn’t too bright, especially where guns are concerned. He recommends firing warning shots if you feel threatened, or shooting through a door. He also thinks shooting a bad guy in the leg who is trying his best to kill you will end the threat. It will not. There are many stores of criminals who were wounded, yet were still able to function, sometimes killing somebody. But Joe doesn’t know that. And nobody can tell him. He isn’t listening. It is what he thinks, and nobody “has the right” to tell him otherwise. He is “American royalty” and his word is law. He thinks. He figures the presidency will give him dictatorial powers. He will quickly find out how wrong he is, if he actually does get elected—which is a long shot. (Breitbart)

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