Monday, September 14, 2020

Guns for Self Defense

The anti-gun crowd like to “play down” the number of times people use legally-owned guns in self-defense. But the map shown in this CATO article belies that. Anti-gun fools keep talking about people being more likely to shoot themselves than the bad guys. That’s a FOOL assumption, made by fools. Like all their arguments, it’s not likely that people who buy guns and get training in their use will foolishly shoot themselves rather than the bad guys. The bad guys are more likely to do that because most of them never get any training in the use of the illegal guns they carry. They keep saying the cops can protect us, and the cops themselves admit that’s a LIE. All they can do is RECORD the crime and dispose of the body or bodies, and them MAYBE punish the bad guys AFTERWARD. That’s not good enough. We need someone THERE who has a gun and knows how to use it ti stop criminals with ILLEGAL guns from victimizing innocent people. And that’s what stupid politicians don’t want, for their own reasons. Crooks can get as many illegal guns as they want; more easily in areas where gun laws are tight than in other places where they are not so tight. Illegal gun sellers CONCENTRATE their efforts on places where gun laws are tight. (CATO)

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