Wednesday, September 16, 2020

FOID Card Unconstitutional

In the State if Illinois they have the FOID card. Which is the government’s “permission” for you to own a firearm. It is a law that “infringes” upon Illinois residents’ right to bear arms. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (the law of the land) clearly states: [T]he right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” A free person does not ask PERMISSION to exercise a constitutional right. They attached a reference to a “well-regulated militia,” which included ALL THE PEOPLE because they thought they might have to call them up in the event of war and, not being as “flush with money” as they now are, expected them to bring their own guns. But there was NO such “organized militia” in existence at the time, as there is now. The very existence of the FOID Card is an insult to a free American. And, if the judiciary was honest, it could never be enforced in a proper court of law because of its unconstitutionality. Each and every anti-gun fool law now on the books is unconstitutional because it “infringes” upon that right. Every one of them. (Just common sense)

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