Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Biden Is Deluded

Not only is he not fit to be president, he is deluded, too. He thinks the Second Amendment, which was made specifically to guarantee us the right to be armed for self defense, does not protect an individual right. There can be no more of an individual right than that of self defense, and to own and use the means to that end, a gun. Where he gets it that this is not an “individual right” is a mystery, only known in his fevered mind. Biden is “setting the stage” for the firearms banning he aims to do if he manages to get eleted, which is a far reach, since he is mostly afraid to come out of his basement to campaign against a powerhouse like Donald Trump. He is so addled that he can’t string two coherent sentences together, yet he thinks the electorate will ignore all that and still elect him to the highest office IN the land, Dumbocrats have pinned their hopes on this feeble-minded husk of what used to be a strong politician. But that is no more. He is in the last throes of his life, and needs to go somewhere and rest, instead of being pushed into the presidency, which will kill him sooner. And we will get a pure socialist in his place. Biden as president scares the hell out of me, and should scare the hell out of you, if you have any intelligence, at all. (NRA-ILA)

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