Thursday, September 24, 2020

Big Anti-Gun Lie

The anti-gun fools are fond of saying (without any proof) that a majority of Americans favor gun control. But what IS the gun control they favor? If the number of new gun owners (the legal kind) is any indication, to them, “gun control” is “hitting your target.” What the owners of ILLEGAL guns need to do is meet more and more legal guns in the hands of their intended victims. That will help in two ways. It will create a “chilling effect” on criminals using their illegal guns to victimize innocent people for fear of getting shot; or “reducing gun crime,” one criminal at a time, as legal gun owners kill illegal gun owners when they try to victimize them. But the anti-gun fools will not even entertain that as a solution to “gun crime.” They think taking (legal) guns out of the picture will do the trick, and it will NOT. There is not a single law limiting or “controlling” the LEGAL guns that will do ANYTHING to limit or control ILLEGAL guns. They have to know this, but they continue to make them, anyway. They have a “futile mission” as long as they think that way, but unfortunately they have just enough support that they have enough money to harass legal gun owners, while ignoring the scourge of ILLEGAL gun owners. It amazes me that there are people who take these fools seriously. (Just common sense)

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