Friday, November 22, 2019

Yes, They're That Stupid!

In Oklahoma, at First Union Baptist Church, they put up signs that might as well say, “We’re defenseless. Come on in and kill us.” Actually, what they say is, “We are a gun-free zone.” Churches all over the state are following suit, as they rush to make sure their parishioners are totally defenseless if a gunman comes in to kill a few of them. It’s the usual stupid response to “gun violence.” Make yourself defenseless against the lawless, who ignore such signs and bring their guns, anyway. Anti-gun fools bemoan the very idea of several people in the congregation “packing,” as if they are going to bring their legal guns and those legal guns are going to kill a few people. Lost on them is the whole idea that it is the ILLEGAL guns that are the problem, not those legally owned. That the way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself. The lawless will bring their guns there, anyway, no matter what those stupid signs say. They might as well post “No Wolves” signs on a sheep ranch. The wolves aren’t going to pay any more attention than will the lawless, if they want to bring their guns.(KTUL)

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