Friday, November 1, 2019

Gun Control Fuels Gun Sales

The anti-gun fools claim that their damned fool laws “save lives” and “reduce gun crime.” They do NOT. In either case. All they do is frighten the law-abiding into getting more guns with which to defend themselves against the miscreants who use ILLEGAL guns to victimize them if they are not armed. The proof is in the fact that, wherever tough anti-gun laws are passed, legal gun sales go up, as the law-abiding get guns to defend themselves. Anti-gun fools never ask if the gun used in a crime was obtained legally. They assume that all guns used in crimes were gotten legally, and their “background checks,” “gun-free zones,” and other stupid laws will stop them. The fact that most guns used in crime were gotten illegally, or just stolen escapes them. But then, anybody who actually believes making guns hard to get for the law-abiding will reduce “gun crime” is deluded. Meanwhile, the black market in illegal guns flourishes, and criminals victimize law-abiding people who OBEY their stupid laws. The more Dumocrats talk about “taking your guns,” the faster guns are sold, both legally and illegally. (CPR News)

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