Monday, November 18, 2019

Knee-Jerk Reaction

That’s what happens after every “gun crime.” Most gun crimes are committed by people who get their guns illegally, but after a gun crime, stupid politicians immediately clamor for the passage of more laws to control LEGAL gun ownership and use. What the hell good that does in keeping criminals, who obey NO laws, from getting and using guns, I don’t know. They call their anti-gun laws “common sense” laws. But nothing could be further from common sense. They have to know they don’t work worth a damn, but they keep making them, making the law-abiding “easy targets” for those who get their guns illegally before committing their other crimes—with their illegal guns. I know what drives the politicians—it is the knowledge that they will someday come for your property, and don’t want to get shot when they do. But the anti-gun fools? That’s impossible to figure. I think it’s the fine salaries they pay themselves out of the money given them by the fools who “buy” their lies. And lies they are, because they can’t tell the truth and still promote controlling LEGAL guns while criminals go wild using ILLEGAL guns. (Just common sense)

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