Monday, November 25, 2019

3-2-1 "Gun Control!"

In other news, “Water Is Wet.” The anti-gun fools are out in full force demanding more and more of their USELESS, unenforceable gun control laws that never do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime” after the latest school shooting in “gun-free” California. Each and every one of their stupid laws is in effect there, but somehow this 15-year-old student still got hold of the gun he used to kill two fellow students and almost himself. His actually HITTING those students must have been an accident because he is the only person I know who could put a gun in his mouth, pull the trigger, and miss. Naturally, the anti-gun crowd automatically want to do more to keep guns out of the law-abiding while completely ignoring the fact that the gun he used HAD to have been gotten illegally since he was too young to buy one legally. So how the hell would their laws stop him? The way to self defense is NOT to make yourself defenseless. The anti-gun fools have to know that, yet they keep on insisting on doing the same things, over and over again, hoping for a different result. That’s the very definition of insanity, but the insane have no idea they are insane. (Breitbart)

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