Thursday, January 11, 2018

They'll Use Anything

Anti-gun fools who have a little bit of power will use just about ANYTHING to take away your guns. Never mind that gun ownership and use is GUARANTEED in the Constitution of the United States. That can't just BAN guns, so they make as many laws as they can to make it difficult, if not impossible, for a law-abiding person to own and use them, One such law is New York's SAFE Law, which does many things to limit the rights of people who own guns. I won't go into them here because the article linked does it nicely. It is obvious that the "authorities" want to do everything they can to make law-abiding citizens HELPLESS to defend themselves against the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there in the hands of thugs and Islamic terrorists. That's the only explanation I can see for the fact that every time they find someone having the means to defend themselves, they treat it as a criminal offense, and want to take them away from them.

Case in point is the stun gun. Currently, those are legal to own and use. But the cops routinely "confiscate" (steal) them when used. In New York's "SAFE Law, they require a LICENSE to exercise your constitutional RIGHT to be armed, and "re-certification" every five years. If you miss that deadline, for ANY reason, you can PERMANENTLY lose your constitutional right to own a gun and it gives the cops the power to TAKE all your guns, at GUNPOINT, if necessary. In Hawaii, if you place YOURSELF in a mental facility, again for ANY reason, they take away your guns. They stopped doing that because of public clamor, But that illustrates how they think. The point is, these laws only seem to apply to LEGAL gun owners (who aren't the problem), while the holders of ILLEGAL guns (Who are) ignore them. (Joe Huffman)

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