Thursday, January 25, 2018

Background Checks Futile?

I read an article that tells us that background checks ARE futile. Something intelligent people already knew, but anti-gun fools do not. They talk about increased gun thefts being responsible, and they are--in part. But they are only a small part of the problem. The theory is that if a registered gun owner knows his name is on a list, he will think twice about using his gun in a crime. Which ignores, entirely, the fact that people who wish to do criminal acts do not register their guns, nor submit to a background check. They just buy their guns illegally in a back alley somewhere, or just steal it. Their names never even get NEAR a background check list or a gun registration list. Sure, there are laws against owning guns that the government doesn't know about. But that doesn't bother criminals. If they plan much more serious crimes, they don't concern themselves with relatively minor crimes like unauthorized gun ownership or carrying. The whole gun control thing as we know it is futile, for the same reason. If you were a criminal with an unregistered gun you were carrying without a carry permit, would you be concerned about bringing your gun into a "gun-fee zone?" Or properly storing your gun at home? Doubtful. If you're a criminal, you break laws. It's that simple. (Liberty Park Press)

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