Tuesday, October 31, 2017

I Knew It Was Coming

Word is now, the Second Amendment was created just to keep slaves down! To promote the existence of the "Slave Patrols" that went out and found runaway slaves. They were made up of slave owning and slave approving individuals, and they wanted to guarantee that they were armed. That makes it a "racist issue," and you know what is the favorite epithet used by the left: "racist!" EVERYTHING is racist, and now even the Second Amendment is racist. Never mind people wanted to be able to defend themselves when an outlaw came to kill them and steal what is theirs--they only wanted to preserve racism! What it comes down to is that the left has found yet another "reason" not to like the Second Amendment, and a reason to REPEAL it. It'll never work, but they think it might, so they gotta try. The anti-gun fools (on the left) spend all their days trying to come up with ways to control the rest of us. Gun control is just one of the ways. (Raw Story)

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