Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas Again!
You can’t say it often enough. I said it the other day, and now I say it again. “The PC Police” can take it and stick it. This day is dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ, whether or not you believe in him. It’s the religion of Christians, and reference to it should NEVER “offend” anyone. I am not offended by reference to the symbols of other religions, and I should not be. And members of other religions should not be “offended” by references to someone else’s. Especially Muslims, whose “Holy Book” tells them to KILL anybody who does not believe exactly the same way they do. Today’s Christianity does not, even if they can find an obscure passage in the Old Testament that might be read in such a way that some people might think it does. In any case, it is not a “guiding principle” to Christians. Some non-Christians seem to think they can stop Christians from making reference to their religion by wishing people “Merry Christmas” on this day. They’re wrong, even if some liberal courts disagree. They misread the Constitution to say that government and religion should be separate. That’s wrong. There is NOTHING in the Constitution saying that. So I say again, “Merry Christmas to all!” No matter what your religion. This will be the only post today, as I will be spending time with my family. (Just common sense)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Government Confiscates Guns
Government troops went house-to-house in New Orleans after Katrina, on orders of the federal government, confiscating any guns found. Never mind the Constitution says we have the right to own and use guns in our own self-defense. One 84-year-old woman was thrown to the ground when she resisted this ILLEGAL confiscation of her personal property. Two days later thugs, alerted that she no longer had a gun, robbed her at gunpoint. You think this can’t happen in America? Think again; it HAS happened, and it WILL happen again. Watch this video. (USA Carry)
Using Shooting to Promote Gun Control
Predictably, the anti-gun fanatics are using the recent school board shooting to promote gun control. But has anybody asked if the shooter had a license for his gun? If he did, that just shows how INEFFECTIVE are gun control laws. If he didn’t, that STILL shows how ineffective are gun control laws to keep guns out of the hands of people like that. The way to self defense is NOT to disarm ourselves. It is to have enough guns around in the hands of responsible people to make guys like this think twice before doing their dirty work. Not to mention killing him FIRST before he can kill innocent people. (The Blaze)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Some people are “offended” by the words, “Merry Christmas." They can go to hell. I will not accede to the demands of the “PC Police” and say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.” Why should I care if atheists, some Jews, Islamics, and followers of other religions don’t like it when I wish them a Merry Christmas? This is a country FOUNDED by Christians and, in which most powerful posts are still held by people who at least SAY they’re Christians. If that offends some people, too bad! I don’t care. Most Jews don’t “get offended” by it, and they don’t try and kill Christianity in a Christian country. So I say, “Merry Christmas,” people, and anybody who gets “offended” by this can go to hell. (The Blaze)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Zero Tolerance Equals Zero Intelligence
A teenage girl who put her hunting gun in the trunk of her car and forgot it after a weekend hunting outing actually TOLD the “school authorities about it just before they had a "contraband dog sniff every car in the school parking lot and she got EXPELLED under their “zero tolerance” policy. Frankly, I think a “zero tolerance” policy with no “wiggle room” is for people who have “zero intelligence,” as these “school authorities” obviously are suffering from. This will affect her entire life, but they don’t care. It’s “zero tolerance.” (Yahoo Answers)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
More Guns, Less Crime
It has long been predicted by people who have “no axe to grind,” that more guns in the hands of honest. dependable people will cause a reduction in violent crime. “First, the number of guns has risen to an all-time high. Second, for decades Brady Campaign has repeatedly predicted with unfettered confidence that more guns would necessarily cause crime to rise. But third, the nation's violent crime and murder rates have instead fallen to 35- and 45-year lows, respectively.” (NRA-ILA). The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is that as the number of guns increases, violent crime reduces. They can’t factually deny that, though they rail futilely against it.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
"Lies Your Government Told You"
The lies you’re being told by your government every day are legion. But none so pernicious as the ones told you about guns. They want you to believe that the way to reduce gun violence in the USA is to pass more and more “gun control” laws. But consider this: Will CRIMINALS, who break laws for a LIVING, obey a law that says they can’t be armed? Not even! The tighter the “gun control laws” are in a given area, the EASIER it is for criminals to buy illegal guns on the streets. What we need is more guns in the hands of responsible people to COUNTER the illegal guns in the hands of the criminals, so they’ll never know if their intended victim will be armed and able to shoot them, instead. This link goes to excerpts from the book, “Lies Your Government Told You,” which covers many lies you’ve been told, and the truth. (Judge Andrew Napolitano)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Why Not?
An eighty-year-old man took a couple of shots at two young men trying to steal his trailer, seriously wounding one. The cops let him plead guilty to attempted manslaughter after initially charging him with attempted first degree murder. They say “You can’t use deadly force in defense of property.” Why not? The criminals use deadly force to steal it! The man says he didn’t mean to hit anybody; he was trying to scare them off. Of course, that didn’t mean anything to the anti-gun politicians. He shot at the bad guys, so they ASSUME he was trying to kill them. I think people ought to be able to do what it takes to defend their lives AND property from criminals who would KILL them to steal it. Part of his punishment was to “give up his guns.” Telling the next criminal he will be unarmed, so go ahead and rob him! (9 News Denver)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
We Need More of This
In Denver last night, two guys tried to rob liquor stores. One ran out the door and got away when the man behind the counter produced his own gun and threatened the robber with it. Self defense without firing a shot. The other one didn’t run when confronted by the counterman’s own gun, and was shot. He’s in the hospital now, getting better. Probably at taxpayer’s expense, since he’s a prisoner. The other guy was caught later. More would-be robbers need to be confronted with guns. Maybe they’d go into another business. (9 News, Denver)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Criminals Prefer Unarmed Victims
Intelligent people know this is true, but anti-gun politicians do not. So they keep making more and more anti-gun laws, therefore making it more and more possible for illegally-armed criminals, who break the law for a living, to “have their way” with you, or someone you love. I’ve been preaching for years that what criminals need is to NOT know if their intended victims will be armed and able to “take them out.” But nobody with the power to make laws seems to be paying attention and thus, violent crime is made easier and more common. Criminals themselves would like to see ALL guns outlawed, knowing that would create more unarmed victims for them to rob and kill with their easily-obtained, illegally-obtained guns without fearing their intended victims will be armed and able to defend themselves. A recent video by DuPont is a parody of a gun ad, but it makes the point clearly. In Florida, gun “carry permits” are easily obtained, and the violent crime numbers are predictably down significantly. Anti-gun politicians never take note of this and continue to make more and more laws to DISarm honest people. (Just common sense)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Robbing The Wrong Guy
This kind of thing needs to happen more often. A thug tried to rob a man at knife-point. Whereupon the guy pulled his gun, took the thug’s cell phone, credit card, and wallet, sent him on his way with the brown stuff he had deposited in his pants at the sight of the gun; then used the card to spend a lot of money. Then he placed an ad aimed at the thug advising him to go into another line of work. This is the only way we’re going to put a stop to violent crime, people. Make the bad guys unsure their intended victims will not be armed and able to kill them or just humiliate them while making them dirty their drawers. (Boortz)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Veto Kills Man
In Kentucky, licensed concealed gun carriers have the right (contained in the Constitution) to carry their guns for self-defense—except in restaurants and taverns, of course. The legislature made a law to fix that oversight and the governor vetoed it. So a stalker waited until his victim entered a place where she could not legally bring her gun and murdered a woman’s husband in a restaurant soon after. That didn't stop this murderer from bringing in HIS gun. Funny how the criminals always seem to be able to get guns while honest people can’t. “Governor Bredesen has ignored the will of the citizens of Tennessee yet again. Bredesen’s veto of the Restaurant Carry Bill speaks volumes about his disregard for our Constitution and our Second Amendment rights. This man was elected and swore under oath to uphold our Constitution. With an overwhelming vote in both the Senate and House, our fine Legislators spoke for their Constituents by their vote supporting the Restaurant Carry Bill.”
Nikki Goeser lost her husband because a stalker wanted him “out of the way” and she could do nothing because her licensed gun was in the car because of Tennessee’s law prohibiting guns anywhere food or alcohol is served. The governor’s veto caused his death as surely as if the governor had pulled the trigger on the illegal gun the murderer used to kill him. Politicians make or break laws without considering the EFFECT of them on human beings. When are politicians going to start facing the reality that anti-gun laws DO NOT stop criminals from killing people with their illegally-obtained guns? It amazes me how STUPID these politicians are! (Human Events)
Nikki Goeser lost her husband because a stalker wanted him “out of the way” and she could do nothing because her licensed gun was in the car because of Tennessee’s law prohibiting guns anywhere food or alcohol is served. The governor’s veto caused his death as surely as if the governor had pulled the trigger on the illegal gun the murderer used to kill him. Politicians make or break laws without considering the EFFECT of them on human beings. When are politicians going to start facing the reality that anti-gun laws DO NOT stop criminals from killing people with their illegally-obtained guns? It amazes me how STUPID these politicians are! (Human Events)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Who Bought Off the NRA?
They used to be dependably hard to get along with whenever government tried to put more limits on how Americans handle guns--something they have a constitutional right to do. But recently their actions have been “tepid” at best. They’ve gone along with way too many government actions regarding guns and it has cost them millions in membership fees, mine included. They recently sent me a pretty window sticker I would have liked to put on my car. But I threw it in the wastebasket. I will NOT be a member until or unless they return to their strong opposition to government attempts to inhibit our right to gun ownership and usage. (The State)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Every 13 Seconds
That’s how often people use a gun in self-defense. Many times without firing a shot. Just the thought that their intended victims might be armed scares the bejezuzz out of most criminals, who are basically cowards. Which reminds me of the time (before cell phones) that I stopped at night at an outside phone to make a call. I was approached by two men, one of which asked me for a light. I reached for the metal flashlight in my back pocket, just in case. One of the men said, “Don’t shoot me, man,” and they quickly left. I guess it looked like I was reaching for a gun and scared the hell out of him. (Learn About Guns)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Always A "Good Excuse"
The gun-haters always have a plausible excuse to ban your ability to have a gun for self defense. In this case, they cite “security issues,” as if their cops COULD “keep the peace” in emergencies. Actually, they can’t. They’re too busy worrying about traffic and keeping people alive. But nothing ever stops the “anti-gun freaks” from doing everything they can to limit or erase your ability to defend YOURSELF from illegally-armed criminals, who don’t obey ANY laws. In this case, they cite the “snow emergency” Al Gore said would never come because of global warming (now called "climate change"). (World Net Daily)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I Feel Helpless
If someone comes at me with a gun (which could happen any time in today’s world, anti-gun laws notwithstanding), I am completely defenseless if I don’t have my own gun with which to defend myself. Unlike the stereotype the “anti-gun zealots” want to paint, I’m no more likely to go off on a shooting spree at the slightest provocation than is that cop you see with the big gun on his hip. Responsible people ought to be allowed to defend themselves against the myriad of illegally armed criminals, and to be able to buy and carry (even concealed) the means to that end. If every gun were to be removed from the world today, criminals and crazies would still be able to find something with which to kill you. Remember the days of the sword? Everybody carried a sword, and it was a very polite society in those days. IN prehistoric days, they killed each other with rocks and clubs. Crooks need to always be aware that their intended victims might be armed, and well able to resist their attacks. Violent crimes would then go down precipitously because criminals are essentially cowards. Anti-gun zealots will say I’m wrong, but they have only to look at Florida, where it’s easy to get a “carry permit” and then look at the violent crime statistics in that state since that law was passed. Don’t ever give me that crap that violent crime goes UP where easy access to guns is created. It just isn’t so. If you say so, you’re lying. (Just common sense)
Not A Word About Gun Control
Many cities have had reductions in homicides; some that have tight gun laws, others with looser ones. But all gave as the cause of the reduction, “more or less gang activity.” Not a word about their “gun control laws.” What this proves it that gun control laws make NO DIFFERENCE in the violent crime rates. “Gang activity” is ALWAYS with ILLEGAL guns. I don’t think a gang member has EVER had a license for his gun (or guns). Some credit “more police activity,” and they might be right, in some cases. But more guns in the hands of responsible, honest people to allow them to defend themselves against ILLEGALLY-ARMED criminals would mean an even larger drop in gun violence and murders by guns, though not by other means. People who want to kill will kill, whether or not guns are available. Tight gun laws do NOT cause violent crime to “go away.” Because criminals do not obey ANY laws, much less those that say they can’t be armed. In fact, if guns miraculously disappeared tomorrow, they’d find ways to kill and maim, as they did before guns were invented. (Yahoo News/AP)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Becoming A "Gun Nut"
For a long time, although I think EVERYBODY ought to be allowed to carry the means to self-defense, a gun, so they would not be completely helpless if a criminal stuck a gun in their face, I didn’t do much about it. As I get older, and realize that “old guys” like me are prime targets of the “bad guys,” I started thinking more about how I could “even the odds” if a criminal DOES go after this old man. Therefore, I sell disguised self-defense products such as stun guns, pepper sprays, and even cameras disguised as teddy bear style puppy dogs and screws in the wall ( I also realize that if that “bad guy” has a gun, nothing can help you but your own gun if you can get it out fast enough.
Old age ought to be a “good reason” to be “granted” (by a bureaucrat who should have no power to "grant" it) the constitutional right to “keep and bear arms” so you can defend yourself, rather than be victimized by a criminal, who never seems to have any trouble getting a gun, whatever the anti-gun laws that are in effect in any given area. In fact, the tighter those laws are, the easier it seems for a criminal to get his gun. That makes me a “gun nut” according to the “anti-un zealots” who drive our liberal politicians to make more and more useless anti-gun laws. But I don’t care what they call me; I’m getting a gun, and after a few years in the military, I know how to use it. I’m not senile, and I won’t “go off on a shooting spree at the slightest provocation” as those “anti-gun zealots” say I will. I just want to “even the odds.” If a criminal kills me with a gun (or just makes the attempt), I want it to be the last thing he does in HIS life. (Just common sense)
Old age ought to be a “good reason” to be “granted” (by a bureaucrat who should have no power to "grant" it) the constitutional right to “keep and bear arms” so you can defend yourself, rather than be victimized by a criminal, who never seems to have any trouble getting a gun, whatever the anti-gun laws that are in effect in any given area. In fact, the tighter those laws are, the easier it seems for a criminal to get his gun. That makes me a “gun nut” according to the “anti-un zealots” who drive our liberal politicians to make more and more useless anti-gun laws. But I don’t care what they call me; I’m getting a gun, and after a few years in the military, I know how to use it. I’m not senile, and I won’t “go off on a shooting spree at the slightest provocation” as those “anti-gun zealots” say I will. I just want to “even the odds.” If a criminal kills me with a gun (or just makes the attempt), I want it to be the last thing he does in HIS life. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Yet another School Shooting
Every school in the land is a “gun-free zone.” Which means it’s illegal to bring a gun into the school, at any time, unless you are a policeman. But crazies who shoot up schools don’t care about the law. They don’t obey laws that say they can’t take a gun into a school. I predict that the “anti-gun Nazis” will demand even more restrictive anti-gun laws as a result of the shooting on February 23, 2010 at the Jefferson County, Colorado middle school, even though such laws NEVER do anything to stop such people from shooting up a school and, in fact, make such shootings even more possible and likely by assuring the shooter there will be nobody there armed and willing to stop them. There has never been a shooing at a gun show because a potential shooter KNOWS there are guns and people willing to use them in self defense there. A uniformed, armed policeman won’t work because they KNOW he is armed and can take him out first, before anybody is ready.
I’m not suggesting they let the students be armed. I AM suggesting that teachers and staff who have a concealed carry permit be allowed to carry their guns into the school specifically so a potential shooter cannot be sure there will be no one there to stop their rampages. And I suggest those teachers and staff be ENCOURAGED to get a gun and a carry permit so there WILL be someone there who can protect these defenseless students. The same holds true elsewhere. ANYBODY who can qualify for a carry permit should be allowed to carry his gun into what is now a no-gun zone. That way, illegally armed criminals cannot ever be SURE they can shoot people at will with nobody able to defend themselves. Anti-gun laws just do NOT work, so why do we continue to make more and more, every time somebody shoots someone with an illegal gun? (Fox News)
I’m not suggesting they let the students be armed. I AM suggesting that teachers and staff who have a concealed carry permit be allowed to carry their guns into the school specifically so a potential shooter cannot be sure there will be no one there to stop their rampages. And I suggest those teachers and staff be ENCOURAGED to get a gun and a carry permit so there WILL be someone there who can protect these defenseless students. The same holds true elsewhere. ANYBODY who can qualify for a carry permit should be allowed to carry his gun into what is now a no-gun zone. That way, illegally armed criminals cannot ever be SURE they can shoot people at will with nobody able to defend themselves. Anti-gun laws just do NOT work, so why do we continue to make more and more, every time somebody shoots someone with an illegal gun? (Fox News)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
"You Can Take Me At My Word"
That’s what Obama says about gun rights. But his track record for telling the truth is abysmal, so why should we believe ANYTHING he says, about anything? “Obama lied when he said ‘I'm not going to take your guns away’ and ‘Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear...I think people can take me at my word.’ Yet Obama's agenda has a national gun owner registration scheme to authorize the government to ban firearm possession for any person by merely adding that person's name to the terror watch list.” And there is no legal requirement to be met to add your name to that list. I’d bet my name has already been added to this list because I disagree with his policies. (Soda Head)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
He's Following the Same Path
Right now I’m reading the history of the Bolshevik takeover of the Russian government in 1917. They followed the exact same plan Obama is using right now to “collectivize” this country. Lenin was popularly elected and immediately “targeted” the rich, which included ANYBODY who owned property or a business. He told people “only the rich” would ever pay his excessive proposed taxes, then applied them to everybody. Soon his people were taking over and closing businesses at the point of a gun and running the owners out (without compensation). Soon, the owners were “allowed” to live in ONE ROOM of the home they formerly owned. Obama is making much progress in this direction. You can expect the “home and property confiscations” to begin soon. You may say I’m an “extremist” for this, but it is true. People who tried to warn the Russians about the onslaught of communism (a form of collectivism) were called “extremists,” too. If we don’t “wake up” and put some roadblocks in his way, Obama will become the Lenin of the USA. I won’t be here to see it, thank God. I’ll be dead; I hope. Unless it happens quickly. (Just common sense)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
It's Not The Guns, Stupid!
Anti-gun freaks blame guns for violence, but it’s not the guns. We had violence long before guns were invented. Remember the time when everybody carried a sword and sword fights were a popular way of settling disputes? If every gun in existence were “zapped” and disappeared from the world (an impossibility, but one the anti-gun freaks wish for) bad guys would find other ways to maim and kill people. They talk about “life being cheap,” not mentioning that it was people like that who MADE it cheap when they pushed the killing of the result of unprotected sex, rather than use a rubber. It’s NOT guns that made it cheap. Criminals and crazy bad guys seem always to get a gun when they want to shoot up a bunch of people, usually IN a “gun-free zone.” Has anybody ever successfully shot up a gun show, where everybody was armed? (Guns & Stuff)
Friday, February 19, 2010
I'll Go Out On A Limb
I’m going to go a little bit out on a limb (but not very much) and predict that, as with ALL “random shootings” in “gun-free zones,” the “anti-gun freaks” are going to use this shooting to call for even more limits on gun ownership and concealed carry. Will they try also to ban small planes because of the Austin, TX IRS-targeted plane crash? Logic would tell anybody with a modicum of intelligence that people who are bent on committing a crime aren’t going to be too worried about violating anti-gun laws. But these people HAVE no intelligence. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
One Illegal Gun Equals 3 Dead
One illegal gun in the hands or a professor who had been denied tenure killed three other professors and wounded several other people when this professor went on a “shooting spree” in a university meeting. Had just ONE other person in the room had his/.her own gun and the will to use it in self defense, the death toll could have been a lot smaller. But NO! The “anti-gun freaks” think such a person as this professor would OBEY a law that says she can’t be armed. How stupid is THAT? She didn’t, and three people are dead. Criminals and crazies don’t OBEY anti-gun laws. This, they never take into account, and people die because of it. They say without anti-gun laws, it would be a “wild-west shootout” every day. What an ignorant thing to say! That assumes that responsible people who were able to carry guns would use the guns FIRST in any disagreement. That’s a patent INSULT to everybody. It assumes the anti-gun nuts know more than we do. One other thing: I'd "bet the farm" this university is a "gun-free zone." Notice, you never see shooting rampages like this at gun shows where EVERYBODY has a gun. (Mail Times)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Keeping Us Defenseless
That seems to be the goal of most of our governments. When Islamic terrorists come here to kill us, as they will when they realize Obama’s government is not nearly as solid in opposition to that as the Bush government was, we will be completely defenseless. Right now all we have to worry about is “run-of-the-mill criminals” and crazies who occasionally go into places they can be pretty sure have no guns to oppose them and shoot them up. But what will happen when an Islamic terrorist goes into a crowd and starts shooting? There will be no one there to shoot him down and stop his killing, so many will die. One of my fondest memories is of an Israeli woman standing over a Palestinian (Islamic) terrorist, pumping bullets into his face when he tried to start a shooting spree. In Israel, EVERYBODY carries a gun. Another fond memory is of a pretty blond woman worshipping at a church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, when a man came in the church, shooting. She was legally armed, and she shot him, ending his shooting spree
Has anybody ever noticed that such shooting sprees always happen in “no-gun zones?” Places where the shooter can be reasonably sure there will be no unexpected guns aimed in HIS direction? Our politicians need to start using common sense regarding self defense and the means to that end. For some reason they want to keep us unarmed, and thus unable to defend ourselves against the illegally-obtained guns carried as a matter of course by criminals, crazies, and terrorists. In SPITE of all the anti-gun laws, guns are easy to get almost anywhere for those willing to break the law. The tighter the anti-gun laws are in a given area, the easier it is to buy an illegal gun. People bent on breaking laws don’t OBEY anti-gun laws. Only honest people do, and are thus unable to protect themselves against those who flagrantly violate ALL laws. We need to do as Florida has done and make it easy for honest, responsible people to obtain “carry licenses,” so that those who would use their illegally-obtained guns to plunder us will never be able to know if their intended victims are armed and willing to kill them before they can kill us. (Just common sense)
Has anybody ever noticed that such shooting sprees always happen in “no-gun zones?” Places where the shooter can be reasonably sure there will be no unexpected guns aimed in HIS direction? Our politicians need to start using common sense regarding self defense and the means to that end. For some reason they want to keep us unarmed, and thus unable to defend ourselves against the illegally-obtained guns carried as a matter of course by criminals, crazies, and terrorists. In SPITE of all the anti-gun laws, guns are easy to get almost anywhere for those willing to break the law. The tighter the anti-gun laws are in a given area, the easier it is to buy an illegal gun. People bent on breaking laws don’t OBEY anti-gun laws. Only honest people do, and are thus unable to protect themselves against those who flagrantly violate ALL laws. We need to do as Florida has done and make it easy for honest, responsible people to obtain “carry licenses,” so that those who would use their illegally-obtained guns to plunder us will never be able to know if their intended victims are armed and willing to kill them before they can kill us. (Just common sense)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Keeping Us Defenseless
That seems to be the goal of most of our governments (local and federal). When Islamic terrorists come here to kill us, as they will when they realize Obama’s government is not nearly as solid in opposition to that as the Bush government was, we will be completely defenseless because honest, reliable people are not allowed to be armed for self defense). Right now all we have to worry about is “run-of-the-mill criminals” and crazies who occasionally go into places they can be pretty sure have no guns to oppose them and shoot them up. But what will happen when an Islamic terrorist goes into a crowd and starts shooting? There will be no one there to shoot him down and stop his killing, so many will die. One of my fondest memories is of an Israeli woman standing over a Palestinian (Islamic) terrorist, pumping bullets into his face when he tried to start a shooting spree. In Israel, EVERYBODY carries a gun. Another fond memory is of a pretty blond woman worshiping at a church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, when a man came in the church, shooting. She was legally armed, and she shot him, ending his shooting spree
Has anybody ever noticed that such shooting sprees always happen in “no-gun zones?” Places where the shooter can be reasonably sure there will be no unexpected guns aimed in HIS direction? Our politicians need to start using common sense regarding self defense and the means to that end. For some reason (I know what it is) they want to keep us unarmed, and thus unable to defend ourselves against the illegally-obtained guns carried as a matter of course by criminals, crazies, and terrorists. In SPITE of all the anti-gun laws, guns are easy to get almost anywhere for those willing to break the law. The tighter the anti-gun laws are in a given area, the easier it is to buy an illegal gun. People bent on breaking laws don’t OBEY anti-gun laws. Only honest people do, and are thus unable to protect themselves against those who flagrantly violate ALL laws. We need to do as Florida has done and make it easy for honest people to obtain “carry licenses,” so that those who would use their illegally-obtained guns to plunder us will never be able to know if their intended victims are armed and willing to kill them before they can kill us. (Just common sense)
Has anybody ever noticed that such shooting sprees always happen in “no-gun zones?” Places where the shooter can be reasonably sure there will be no unexpected guns aimed in HIS direction? Our politicians need to start using common sense regarding self defense and the means to that end. For some reason (I know what it is) they want to keep us unarmed, and thus unable to defend ourselves against the illegally-obtained guns carried as a matter of course by criminals, crazies, and terrorists. In SPITE of all the anti-gun laws, guns are easy to get almost anywhere for those willing to break the law. The tighter the anti-gun laws are in a given area, the easier it is to buy an illegal gun. People bent on breaking laws don’t OBEY anti-gun laws. Only honest people do, and are thus unable to protect themselves against those who flagrantly violate ALL laws. We need to do as Florida has done and make it easy for honest people to obtain “carry licenses,” so that those who would use their illegally-obtained guns to plunder us will never be able to know if their intended victims are armed and willing to kill them before they can kill us. (Just common sense)
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