Friday, November 23, 2018

They Just Ignore Me

I’m constantly asking the anti-gun fools proper questions, while they ignore them and call me names, such as “gun lover.” That’s their scam. Never answer the charges, just attack the person making the charges. That’s because they have no truthful answer to those charges, and wish to “win the argument” without having to answer the charges. Questions like: “What good is a “gun-free zone” if it only applies to LEGAL gun owners while ignoring ILLEGAL gun owners?” What good is it if would-be mass killers SEEK OUR gun-free zones in which to do their dirty work? It is a known fact that EVERY mass shooting has taken place in a “gun-free zone.” So what good are they to anybody but would-be mass murderers? What good is passing a background check in tracking ILLEGAL gun owners, who usually don’t stand for a background check when they get their guns ILLEGALLY? The most important question they ignore is this: “None of your anti-gun laws have done ANYTHING to limit, or stop ‘gun crime,” and only make life easier for ILLEGAL gun owners to victimize the law-abiding, so what good are they?” They routinely ignore questions like these, and treat me as if I don’t exist, while they continue to make their USELESS anti-gun laws. (Just common sense)

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