Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Gun Control Foolishness

Anti-gun fools are idiots. They want to stop human beings from displaying a gun anywhere. And then they go to the movies—and what happens? Gunplay. Hollywood movie plots almost always involve gunplay, and people, including anti-gun fools, flock to see them. And they never realize the contradiction therein. Movie actors, such as Jamie Lee Curtis criticize guns and their use, then go to work shooting guns all over the place in their movies. When criticized for the contradiction, they say, “We’re just acting a part!” Stupid. It they were really “anti-gun,” they’d refuse all parts that put a gun in their hand. But they only PRETEND to be anti-gun while many of them walk around surrounded by ARMED “security” and live in “gated communities” guarded by armed men. They think that is not a contradiction, too. They think they’re entitled to a level of security they don’t want to allow the average American, because they can afford it, and that they “really, really need to be protected” from the “great unwashed” who pay a lot of money to watch them cavort with guns in their hands, shooting blanks everywhere. In the linked article, anti-gun fools object to a politician mounting a replica gun on a vehicle. That effectively illustrates the high level of their foolishness. (Bearing Arms)

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