Thursday, August 9, 2018

"We Can Ban Anything"

As long as it isn’t a gun. So let’s ban GUN PARTS. And BULLETS. Things guns must have to be used, so as to make the guns people have USELESS, without banning guns, which are constitutionally protected. That’s what they say in Charleston, NC (No, not all that. Just that they can ban anything that is NOT a gun). I added the rest to make their scheme more clear. In this way, they figure they can “ban guns” without banning guns. They are now out in the open with their goals, and that is to BAN SELF DEFENSE by banning the means to that end. They’re doing everything they can to “get around” that constitutional protection for American’s right to be armed. But they’re wrong. They CANNOT ban gun parts because that would be an abridgment of that right, which is PROTECTED by the Constitution. Making it impossible to USE a legal gun IS an abridgment, although as long as liberals run the courts, that will not be recognized. Maybe when the makeup of the Supreme Court changes and stops being a liberal majority, that may change nationally. We can only hope “wiser heads” are successful in the future. (ABC News 4)

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